To begin with, infrared heat is the invisible part of the sun’s spectrum, which has the ability to gently and comfortably penetrate human tissue to produce a host of health benefits. Naturally occurring from the sun, it is the basis for all Sunlighten™ saunas.
Unlike traditional saunas, infrared heat is effective at a more comfortable operating temperature than traditional saunas (100°-150°F for infrared vs. 200°F for a traditional sauna). By penetrating human tissue, infrared heat has been found seven times more effective than traditional saunas at detoxifying the body.
Near infrared waves have a shorter frequency range and penetrate the epidermis layer of the skin. This effect makes it a safe and optimal choice for skin rejuvenation, wound healing and skin health.
Near infrared technology used in Sunlighten Infrared Saunas is similar to the infrared used in cosmetic and healing devices. The LED technology we use allows our heaters to produce consistent near infrared without extreme heat or light, making it a safe option for near infrared use.
Because mid infrared waves penetrate deeper into the body, they are beneficial for increasing circulation. So much so that mid infrared therapy mirrors the benefits of a passive cardiovascular workout! Regular mid infrared sauna therapy has been shown to significantly stimulate blood flow – its effects continuing on even after the sauna session is completed.
Because far infrared waves heats the body directly rather than simply warming the air, it raises the core body temperature and produces a deep, detoxifying sweat at the cellular level, where most toxins reside. Far infrared also aids in blood pressure reduction & weight loss, burning up to 600 calories in one 40-minute session!
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